When we started selling on Amazon it was the wild west, to get a barcode you could just go to eBay and but EAN numbers from as little as 1P
Amazon were not happy with this as they were not making any money from it, as a result, they purchased the source GS1, where all barcodes originate from.
Now as a result Amazon only accepts GS1 barcodes and they will check the number is genuine.
So how do you get a barcode in order to make your first listing?
Head over to GS1 and check out the plans.
They have packages from £50 to £125 per year depending on how many barcodes you require.
They do have a handy calculator that after a few questions will recommend the best plan.
I have a GS1 Account how do I get my EAN for Amazon?
When you have access to your account, go to your number bank and in the dropdown box go to GTIN-13
Click “Use Next Number”
Enter the details from your Amazon listing.
Copy your EAN number.
Then click Save
Enter the EAN into your Amazon listing.
It is as simple as that if you are struggling please Contact Us and we will help with where you are stuck.